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Gholographics Company

Oslo Features

OSLO is a large program, with thousands of internal commands and functions. Moreover, the executable module of OSLO is routinely modified and recompiled by users. As a result, it is not possible to give an exact list of specifications for what the program can do. OSLO has many more capabilities than we can list here. If you have a question about a specific capability, contact us directly.

What types of optical systems can I design using OSLO?

OSLO can be used to design almost any optical system that involves propagating light waves. The following are some typical examples of systems that can be designed using OSLO:

Also, systems with gradient index surfaces, aspherics, diffractive surfaces and holograms, lens arrays, interferometric deformations etc.

OSLO's major features include:
Lens and Material Databases
Special Surface Data
Zoom and Multiconfiguration Systems
Arrays and Non-Sequential Groups
Special Apertures
Tolerance and Element Data
Polarization and Thin Film Coatings
Ray tracing
Diffraction and Partial Coherence
Optimization Methods
Tolerance Analysis
Lasers, Fibers
Illumination Analysis
Perfect Lenses and Eikonals
Vignetting Analysis
Footprint Analysis
Spot Diagram
Wavefront Analysis
Point Spread Function
Modulation Transfer Function
Energy Distribution
Monte Carlo Analysis
Ghost Images
Narcissus Analysis
Polarization Ray Trace
Non-Sequential Ray Trace
Gaussian Beam Analysis
Partial Coherence Analysis
Fiber Coupling
Gaussian Beams


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